Ius est ars boni et aequi.

Prawo jest sztuką tego, co dobre i słuszne.


Tuesday 21 December 2021

legal word of the day: UNTIL THE LATER OF


legal word of the day: UNTIL THE LATER OF

ENG: until a date or event that comes last

POL: w terminie, którego koniec przypadnie później

(1) Effective from July 1, 2022, until the later of July 1, 2028, or seven years after the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency expires)

(2) This malware warranty shall apply until the later of the end of the warranty period specified in the order or one (1) year after the date on which the Software is accepted by the State.

(3) The non-disclosure restrictions in this Section 9.5 shall stay in effect until the later of (a) such time as the confidential and proprietary information has properly become known to the general public through no wrong-doing or breach by the Seller, or (b) five (5) years from the Closing Date.


TO APPLY/ TO BE EFFECTIVE/ TO STAY IN EFFECT – mieć zastosowanie (to be valid/ binding)

TO EXPIRE – wygasać (to stop being effective/valid)

WARRANTY – gwarancja (a written guarantee, issued to the purchaser of an article by its manufacturer, promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period of time)

SPECIFIED – określony (set out, defined)

NON DISCLOSURE - związane z zachowaniem poufności (regarding keeping some information secret)

RESTRICTIONS – ograniczenia (the provisions that limit someone’s conduct)

A BREACH  -naruszenie (an act of not following a certain rule)

PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – informacje dotyczące spółki niedostępne publicznie, zastrzeżone informacje takie jak informacje poufne i tajemnica przedsiębiorstwa  (information not in the public domain, generally not available, and can be broken further down into two basic categories: confidential information and trade secrets


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