Ius est ars boni et aequi.

Prawo jest sztuką tego, co dobre i słuszne.


Tuesday 24 February 2015

legal word of the day: VOIR DIRE

legal word of the day: VOIR DIRE

/vwa dear/

wyłonienie członków ławy przysięgłych

jury selection

(1) In the voir dire, a few of you indicated that you were repulsed by the idea of homosexual conduct.

(2) While Federal rules of civil and criminal procedure stipulate that either counsel or the judge may conduct the voir dire, in practice, particularly in criminal cases, it is the judge who conducts it.

(3) Voir dire can last weeks, and can reach into such personal areas as sexual history.

(4) If you don't connect at voir dire it is over. If the jury hates you at voir dire, get the hell out of there.

TO  STIPULATE – stanowić (to specify, to state exactly how something must be or must be done)

Some facts on voir dire:

Voir dire is a process of asking questions of potential jurors to ensure a fair verdict in the case.

It may include general questions (asked of the entire group of prospective jurors) or questions asked of individual jurors.

Attorneys for the parties strike jurors based on a specific valid reason (challenge for cause) or based on their intuition (peremptory challenge) without stating a reason.

Voir dire may be attorney or judge driven, i.e. the questions may be asked by attorneys or by the trial judge.

In America voir dire can become a competition between lawyers trying to bias the prospective panel toward the positions of their clients.

TO STRIKE – odrzucić (to turn down, to reject)

CHALLENGE FOR CAUSE/ STRIKE FOR CAUSE – kwestionowanie bezstronności członka ławy przysięgłych/ wniosek o wyłączenie  ze względu na ważny powód (request that a prospective juror be dismissed because there is a specific and forceful reason to believe the person cannot be fair)

PEREMPTORY CHALLENGE – kwestionowanie bezstronności/ wnioskowanie o wyłączenie członka ławy przysięgłych bez podania przyczyny (a defendant's or lawyer's objection to a proposed juror, made without needing to give a reason)

TO BIAS SOMEBODY TOWARD SOMEONE – nastawić kogoś przychylnie (to cause someone else to be in favour of somebody)

Sunday 22 February 2015

legal word of the day: MIRANDA RIGHTS

legal word of the day: MIRANDA RIGHTS

the specific rights that any suspect of a crime must be informed of before an interrogation
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?

prawa Mirandy, prawa aresztowanego do zachowania milczenia, do obecności adwokata podczas przesłuchania oraz do adwokata z urzędu
Masz prawo do zachowania milczenia. Wszystko, co od tej pory powiesz, może zostać użyte w sądzie przeciwko tobie. Masz prawo do adwokata i do jego obecności podczas przesłuchania. Jeśli nie stać cię na adwokata, przysługuje ci obrońca z urzędu. Czy rozumiesz swoje prawa, które ci przedstawiłem?"

also called:


case: Miranda v. Arizona (1966)

circumstances : During police interrogation Ernesto Miranda, who was accused of robbery, kidnapping, and rape, confessed to the crimes. The police had not informed him of his rights protected by the Fifth and Sixth Amendments: the right to refuse to be a witness against himself (self-incrimination clause) (5th) and the right to an attorney (6th).

1. 1st trial: the confession was entered as evidence and Miranda was convicted of rape and kidnapping.

2. Appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court: the verdict was upheld (found to be correct).

3. Petition for a writ of certiorari submitted: accepted

4. 2nd trial: The U.S. Supreme Court found in favour of Miranda and ruled that criminal suspects must be informed of their right against self-incrimination and their right to consult with an attorney before being questioned by police.

5. Miranda was retried and convicted (based) not on his confession but on testimony given by his estranged wife.

TO CONFESS TO (A CRIME) – przyznać się do (to voluntarily state that one is guilty of a criminal offense)

SELF-INCRIMINATION –  składanie zeznań obciążających samego siebie (being forced or coerced to testify against oneself)

TO BE CONVICTED OF – zostać uznanym winnym (to be found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court)

AN APPEAL – apelacja (asking a higher court to reverse the decision of a trial court after final judgment or other legal ruling)

TO UPHOLD (A VERDICT) – podtrzymać, utrzymać w mocy (to say that something is correct)

A PETITION – wniosek ( a formal request)

A WRIT OF CERTIORARI – żądanie przekazania akt sprawy z sądu niższego do wyższej instancji (celem skontrolowania zasadności rozstrzygnięcia lub celem zapoznania się z materiałem sprawy  (a writ or order by which a higher court reviews a case tried in a lower court.)

TO FIND IN FAVOUR OF – orzekać na korzyść ( to decide that someone wins a case)

TO QUESTION (A SUSPECT) – przesłuchiwać (to interrogate)

TO RETRY – ponownie sądzić (to put somebody on trial again)

TESTIMONY – zeznanie (a form of evidence that is obtained from a witness who makes a solemn statement or declaration of fact)

ESTRANGED – pozostający w separacji (describes a husband or wife who is not now living with the person they are married to)

Friday 20 February 2015

legal word of the day: AN NDA, A NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT

legal word of the day: AN NDA – A NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT

umowa/ oświadczenie o zachowaniu tajemnicy/poufności

a legal contract between at least two parties in which they agree not to disclose information covered by the agreement to third parties

other names with a similar meaning:





PROPRIETARY – prawnie zastrzeżone (owned by a particular person)

(1) Each volunteer shall sign a nondisclosure agreement.  Subsequent disclosure of any confidential information, verbally, in writing, or by any other means, shall be grounds for immediate dismissal and possible criminal prosecution

SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR – będą stanowiły podstawy (will lead to)
IMMEDIATE – ze skutkiem natychmiastowym (with no delay)
DISMISSAL – zwolnienie (a discharge of an individual or corporation from employment, being fired)
CRIMINAL PROSECUTION – postępowanie karne (legal proceedings against a defendant for criminal behaviour)

(2) An NDA is enforced through trade secret litigation, which usually involves messy disputes over what information was disclosed, when, under what terms, and how the recipient used it.

TO ENFORCE – dochodzić praw na drodze sądowej (to make sure that you are able to execute (use) your right)

TRADE SECRET LITIGATION – spór dotyczący tajemnicy handlowej (a trial concerning disclosure of valuable commercial information)

(3) A unilateral NDA is where one party wants to disclose certain information to another party but needs the information to remain secret for some reason; a bilateral NDA is where both parties will be supplying information that is intended to remain secret.

UNILATERAL – jednostronne  (one-way)

BILATERAL – dwustronne  (two-way, mutual)

(4) I hereby certify that I have read the non-disclosure agreement described above and I am familiar with the directives and policies governing the disclosure of procurement sensitive information.

I HEREBY CERTIFY – niniejszym zaświadczam (I confirm)
TO GOVERN – regulować (to regulate)

dotyczące zamówień (secret information concerning buying goods, services or works from another company.)

Sunday 15 February 2015

legal docs: Fifty Shades of Grey CONTRACT

Dear two readers of this blog!

In light of the interest that the Fifty Shades of Grey motion picture premiere has generated, I thought it appropriate to reach for the book and search it for some law-related material.

Given the nature of the book, I shall refrain from citing fragments that might include sexually explicit content. I shall, however, post and translate phrases that could offer us some insight into the phrasing of a contract in the English language.



to REFRAIN FROM – powstrzymać się od (to stop yourself from, to forgo)

to CITE – powoływać się na, przytaczać (to speak or write words taken from a particular writer or written work)

SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONTENT – materiały o treści erotycznej (pornography)

the PHRASING of – (s)formułowanie (expressing something with a particular choice of words)

Made this day_________ of 2011 (“The Commencement Date”)
MR. CHRISTIAN GREY of 301 Escala, Seattle, WA 98889
(“The Dominant”)
MISS ANASTASIA STEELE of 1114 SW Green Street, Apartment 7, Haven Heights,
Vancouver, WA 98888
(“The Submissive”)

CONTRACT MADE THIS DAY – umowa zawarta

MR. CHRISTIAN GREY OF – Pan Christian Grey zamieszkały (residing)

(“THE DOMINANT”) – zwany dalej Dominatorem (later referred to as)

1 The following are the terms of a binding contract between the Dominant and the
2 The fundamental purpose of this contract is to allow the Submissive to explore her
sensuality and her limits safely, with due respect and regard for her needs, her limits
and her wellbeing.
3 The Dominant and the Submissive agree and acknowledge that all that occurs under
the terms of this contract will be consensual, confidential, and subject to the agreed
limits and safety procedures set out in this contract. Additional limits and safety procedures
may be agreed in writing.

THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS – strony postanawiają, co następuje (the parties have agreed on the following)

A BINDING CONTRACT – wiążąca umowa (a contract which cannot be legally avoided or stopped)

CONSENSUAL – dobrowolny, za obopólną zgodą (unforced)

CONFIDENTIAL – poufny (not to be discussed with other people)

SUBJECT TO THE AGREED LIMITS – z zastrzeżeniem/ zgodnie z uzgodnionych/uzgodnionymi granicami

SET OUT IN THIS CONTRACT – określonych w niniejszej umowie (specified in this contract)

4 The Dominant and the Submissive each warrant that they suffer from no sexual,
serious, infectious or life-threatening illnesses including but not limited to HIV, Herpes
and Hepatitis. If during the Term (as defined below) or any extended term of this
contract either party should be diagnosed with or become aware of any such illness he
or she undertakes to inform the other immediately and in any event prior to any form
of physical contact between the parties.

TO WARRANT – oświadczać (to state)

INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO – między innymi (such as)

THE TERM – okres obowiązywania umowy (the duration of the contract)

ANY EXTENDED TERM OF THIS CONTRACT – w okresie obowiązywania umowy, który został przedłużony (during the prolonged term of the contract)

IN ANY EVENT – w każdej sytuacji/ w każdym przypadku (always)

 PRIOR TO – zanim dojdzie do (before)

5 Adherence to the above warranties, agreements and undertakings (and any additional
limits and safety procedures agreed under clause 3 above) are fundamental to this
contract. Any breach shall render it void with immediate effect and each party agrees
to be fully responsible to the other for the consequence of any breach.
6 Everything in this contract must be read and interpreted in the light of the fundamental
purpose and the fundamental terms set out in clauses 2-5 above.

ADHERENCE TO – przestrzeganie (following, abiding by, doing as the contract says)

WARRANTY – oświadczenie an assurance, promise, or guaranty by one party that a particular statement of fact is true and may be relied upon by the other party)

UNDERTAKING – zobowiązanie (a formal promise)

 UNDER CLAUSE 3 ABOVE – zgodnie z klauzulą nr 3 niniejszej umowy (according to clause 3)

ANY BREACH SHALL RENDER IT VOID – każde naruszenie niniejszej umowy prowadzi do jej unieważnienia (if any rule is broken, the contract loses its effect)

WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT – ze skutkiem natychmiastowym (with no delay, straightaway)

7 The Dominant shall take responsibility for the wellbeing and the proper training,
guidance, and discipline of the Submissive. He shall decide the nature of such training,
guidance, and discipline and the time and place of its administration, subject to
the agreed terms, limitations and safety procedures set out in this contract or agreed
additionally under clause 3 above.
8 If at any time the Dominant should fail to keep to the agreed terms, limitations and
safety procedures set out in this contract or agreed additionally under clause 3 above
the Submissive is entitled to terminate this contract forthwith and to leave the service
of the Dominant without notice.
9 Subject to that proviso and to clauses 2-5 above the Submissive is to serve and obey
the Dominant in all things. Subject to the agreed terms, limitations and safety procedures
set out in this contract or agreed additionally under clause 3 above she shall
without query or hesitation offer the Dominant such pleasure as he may require and
she shall accept without query or hesitation his training, guidance and discipline in
whatever form it may take.

ENTITLED TO TERMINATE THE CONTRACT FORTHWITH – przysługuje jej prawo do natychmiastowego rozwiązania niniejszej umowy (can get out of this contract straightaway)

WITHOUT NOTICE – bez uprzedniego powiadomienia (without having to inform someone in advance)

AS HE MAY REQUIRE – zgodnie z jego potrzebami (according to what he needs)

10 The Dominant and Submissive enter into this contract on The Commencement Date
fully aware of its nature and undertake to abide by its conditions without exception.
11 This contract shall be effective for a period of three Calendar Months from The
Commencement Date (“The Term”). On the expiry of The Term the parties shall discuss
whether this contract and the arrangements they have made under this contract are
satisfactory and whether the needs of each party have been met. Either party may propose
the extension of this contract subject to adjustments to its terms, or to the arrangements
they have made under it. In the absence of agreement to such extension this
contract shall terminate and both parties shall be free to resume their lives separately.

COMMENCEMENT AND TERM – początek i okres obowiązywania umowy (the beginning and duration of the contract)

TO ABIDE BY THE CONDITIONS – podporządkować się warunkom (to follow the rules)

THE EXPIRY OF THE TERM – termin wygaśnięcia umowy (coming to an end)

IN THE ABSENCE OF – w przypadku braku (if there is no)

AGREEMENT TO SUCH EXTENSION – zgoda na przedłużenie okresu obowiązywania umowy (saying yes to making the contract last longer)

THIS CONTRACT SHALL TERMINATE – niniejsza umowa zostanie rozwiązana (this contract will lose its effect)


21 We the undersigned have read and understood fully the provisions of this contract.
We freely accept the terms of this contract and have acknowledged this by our signatures
The Dominant: Christian Grey
The Submissive: Anastasia Steele

WE THE UNDERSIGNED – Podpisani poniżej (those who signed the document below)

PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT – postanowienia niniejszej umowy (terms of the contract)

HAVE ACKNOWLEDGED THIS BY OUR SIGNATURES BELOW – co potwierdzamy własnoręcznymi podpisami (confirm that by signing the document)



The Dominant shall provide the Submissive with a personal trainer four times a week
in hour-long sessions at times to be mutually agreed between the personal trainer and
the Submissive. The personal trainer will report to the Dominant on the Submissive’s
Personal Hygiene/Beauty:
The Submissive will keep herself clean and shaved and/or waxed at all times. The
Submissive will visit a beauty salon of the Dominant’s choosing at times to be decided
by the Dominant, and undergo whatever treatments the Dominant sees fit. All costs
will be met by the Dominant.


APPENDIX – załącznik (an enclosure)

SHALL PROVIDE THE SUBMISSIVE WITH – zobowiązuje się zapewnić Uległej (promises to give the Submissive)

AT TIMES TO BE MUTUALLY AGREED BETWEEN – w terminach uzgodnionych pomiędzy (when it is suitable for both)

AND/OR – lub

AT ALL TIMES – w trakcie obowiązywania umowy (while the contract is on)

OF THE DOMINANT’S CHOOSING – który wybierze Dominator (chosen by the Dominant)

TO BE DECIDED BY THE DOMINANT – które zostaną określone przez Dominatora (which will be specified by the Dominant)

THE DOMINANT SEES FIT – które Dominator uznaje za odpowiednie (which Dominant finds to be proper)

ALL COSTS WILL BE MET BY – wszystkie koszty poniesie (… will pay for)

Monday 9 February 2015

legal word of the day: MAY IT PLEASE THE COURT

legal word of the day: MAY IT PLEASE THE COURT

Wysoki Sądzie!

a phrase used by counsel to start their opening statement

OPENING STATEMENT – oświadczenie wstępne, mowa wstępna (an introductory statement made by the attorneys for each side at the start of a trial in which they provide an overview (summary) of the case and discuss what they are going to prove during the trial)

 (1) Mr. Chief Justice, may it please the Court: This case concerns itself with the conviction of a defendant of two crimes of rape and kidnapping, the sentences on each count of 20 to 30 years to run concurrently.

CHIEF JUSTICE – przewodniczący sądu (the highest-ranking judge of a court that has more than one judge)

a CONVICTION – wyrok skazujący (the result of a criminal trial in which the defendant has been found guilty of a crime.)

A DEFENDANT – oskarżony (the party charged with a crime in a criminal prosecution)

a SENTENCE – wyrok, kara (the punishment given to a person convicted of a crime.)

a COUNT – zarzut (each separate charge in a criminal action)
to RUN CONCURRENTLY – biec równocześnie (to run at the same time)

(2) BERNARD S. COHEN: Mr. Chief Justice, may it please the Court. I am Bernard S. Cohen. I would like to move the admission of Mr. Philip J. Hirschkop pro hac vice, my co-counsel in this matter. He is a member of the Bar of Virginia.
CHIEF JUSTICE WARREN: Your motion is granted. Mr. Hirschkop, you may proceed.

to MOVE – wnosić o (to make an application to a court for a rule or order)

the ADMISSION of – dopuszczenie (allowing someone to join the proceedings)

PRO HAC VICE (proh hock vee-chay) Latin for "this time only,"

odnosi się do sytuacji, w której adwokat zostaje dopuszczony do wypełnienia swoich obowiązków na jakimś określonym terenie, nie będącym zwyczajowym obszarem jego jurysdykcji

 (the phrase refers to the application of an out-of-state lawyer to appear in court for a particular trial, even though he/she is not licensed to practice in the state where the trial is being held)

YOUR MOTION IS GRANTED – Sąd przyjmuje wniosek (the Court agrees to the request)

YOU MAY PROCEED – proszę kontynuować (please continue)

(3) Thank you, Mr. Chief Justice, and may it please the Court: The issue before this Court is whether the public burning of an American flag which occurred as part of a demonstration with political overtones is entitled to First Amendment protection.

FIRST AMENDMENT – Pierwsza poprawka do konstytucji (the change of the US Constitution regarding freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, and right to petition)

(4) Your first words: “Mr./Ms. Chief Justice and may it please the court.  My name is XXX and I represent XXX in this case.”

(5) I open the black binder. The Chief Justice acknowledges me. I hear myself say the words I have dreamed of saying since law school: “Thank you, Mr. Chief Justice, and may it please the Court.”