Ius est ars boni et aequi.

Prawo jest sztuką tego, co dobre i słuszne.


Saturday 12 August 2017


US versus UK: AM LAW 100 (US) vs MAGIC CIRCLE (UK)

AM LAW 100

the list of top 100 American law firms as ranked by gross revenue, profits per partner, and revenue per lawyer. The list is compiled by the American Lawyer, a monthly law magazine.


the name legal journalists use to refer to the top five elite law firms headquartered in the UK and known for corporate and finance work
1.    Allen and Overy
2.    Clifford Chance
3.    Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
4.    Linklaters
5.    Slaughter and May

(1) The Am Law 100 posted solid gains in gross revenue and profits in 2016, but the revenue per lawyer figure dropped on stronger growth in head count.

(2) Excellent academic credentials, experience at an AmLaw 100 law firm, and California bar membership are required.

(3) According to the article “How to Land a Job in Big Law” by Kaitlin Edleman on TheVault.com website, there are two ways to get AmLaw 100 law firm job after graduation:    #1—Aim for a law school that is ranked at least within the Top 14 (commonly referred to as “T14”) by the annual U.S. News and World Report rankings. #2—If you do NOT attend a T14 school, you must be an all-star performer and graduate at least in the top 5% of your class.

(4) Student A: You are a banker with a lot of clout and you want to hire a magic circle lawyer.
Student B: You are a magic circle lawyer. Negotiate your hourly fee.

(5) No one wants to date a magic circle lawyer because they don't ever wash.

(6) How do I get to work for a Magic Circle law firm?
ü  Have 3 straight A grades at A level.
ü  Go to Oxford, Cambridge, London or Bristol University.
ü  Speak very clearly without any trace of regional accent.
ü  Captain your local hockey team at weekends.
ü  Enjoy fine wines, theatre, skiing, golf and squash.

REVENUE – przychód (the total amount of cash generated by the sale of products or services)
GROSS REVENUE – przychód brutto (total revenue received before any deductions or allowances, as for rent, cost of goods sold, taxes)
REVENUE (przychód) VS PROFIT (zysk): REVENUE – the total of all money that a company receives from people paying for its products or services; PROFIT – the amount left after deducting all costs, expenses, and taxes from the revenue
PROFITS PER PARTNER (PPP) – zysk przypadający na jednego wspólnika (total firm profits divided by the number of equity partners)
REVENUE PER LAWYER – przychód przypadający na jednego adwokata (gross revenue divided by the number of lawyers)
HEAD COUNT – liczba pracowników (the total number of people employed)
CREDENTIALS – osiągnięcia, również: kwalifikacje, referencje (previous achievements, training, and general background, which indicate that someone is qualified to do something)
BAR MEMBERSHIP – przynależność do izby adwokackiej danego stanu (being a member of the bar (also called ‘the bar association’) of a given state that may be mandatory or optional)
CLOUT – wpływy, znaczenie (influence or power)
THE HOURLY FEE – stawka godzinowa (how much someone is paid for an hour’s work)
A LEVEL = ADVANCED LEVEL – egzamin maturalny (a qualification (exam) in a specific subject taken by UK school students aged 16–18 after they have taken their  obligatory GCSEs; A levels are not obligatory but required for applying to university; students usually take three A levels)

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